Experiments for Introductory Physics and ASPC

6 Experiments designed to teach proper laboratory skills and methods, illustrate concepts in physics. Experiments accompany Introductory Principles in Physics and ASPC.

ISBN: 978-0-9966771-4-1

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Six experiments designed to teach proper laboratory skills and methods, illustrate concepts in physics, and stimulate students with interesting scientific activity.Materials List

This volume contains the complete teacher’s instructions for conducting the lab experiments for Introductory Principles in Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry(ASPC). The contents of this book are adapted from our book Favorite Experiments in Physics and Physical Science, a more comprehensive resource for high school science educators.

Each chapter typically includes a list of Learning Objectives, Materials List, Experimental Purpose, Scientific Overview, Pre-Lab Discussion Points, Student Instructions, any Safety Concerns, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus.
Experiments include:

  • The Pendulum Lab: simple pendulum experiment to get started with data collection, measurement, procedures, and writing of lab reports.
  • The Soul of Motion: Newton’s second law of motion.
  • The Hot Wheels Lab: conservation of energy.
  • DC Circuits: DC circuits and the use of electronic test equipment.
  • The Density Lab: accurately determining density with correct lab technique and computer-based analysis.
  • The Solubility Lab: determining solubility and the effect of temperature on solubility.


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